Achieving effective control of the risks your business faces can help provide peace of mind to your senior personnel, fulfil your legal obligations, and protect your people, property and ultimately your profits. We can help you achieve compliance in a realistic, considered and cost-effective manner.

No two businesses are the same, so neither are the support services we provide. Rather than requiring you to fit into a defined package, we work with you to develop a bespoke proposal, ensuring you only pay for what you need.

Our health and safety support services include, but are not limited to:

Risk assessments


Workplace inspections

H&S documentation

Incident investigation

H&S Committee Meetings

Tender support

Contractor vetting

The work we do for our existing clients ranges vastly. The level of contact could be weekly visits as the competent person, monthly workplace inspections, quarterly attendance at health and safety committee meetings, on demand support for one-off projects or simply as additional resource to supplement in-house competence as and when requires - whatever your business needs.

Our main objective is to complement what you do, to integrate effective health and safety management into your existing operations, combining your knowledge of your business with our health and safety expertise.

Contact us today to discuss what we can do for you.


Health and Safety Audit

An audit is a popular starting point for companies looking to engage external health and safety support. It can be used to provide reassurance that your own internal arrangements are sufficient, or may identify areas where improvements could be made.

The output provides an objective benchmark against which future performance can be compared and progress measured.

The three key parts of the audit are:

1.     Document review

2.     Premises inspection

3.     Written report

Following the audit, the findings are yours to do with what you wish. However, if you’d like us to, we can then develop a tailored support programme, complementing your level of available resource in-house, to address the actions required and improve your control and compliance.

Allow us to provide the objective perspective you need, contact us today to arrange an audit of your health and safety management system.